Online Q&A

The  Q&A are geared towards helping those discerning religious lfe to learn about what we do and to get an idea of the basics of Poor Clares life and  to ask any questions they might have. It is conducted through Zoom and those who would like to attend simply send their email address and basic details in advance of the meeting to will then be sent the link to gain access to the meeting.

 Those discerners who prefer a one-to-one Q&A are also accomodated 

Here are some of the comments sent from participants of previous Q&As: 

Here is some feedback from a participant who took part in a one-to-one call:                                           

Mary received her vocation from the lips of an angel.
The angel does not enter our room visibly,
but God has a plan for each of us,
He calls each one of us by name.
Our task is to learn how to listen,
to perceive His call,
to be courageous
and faithful in following Him.

Pope Benedict XVI